Personal Shoppers Scammers
What You Need to Know to Find a Reliable Service
Dear Personal Shopper customers,
A customer has recently warned us about fake Personal Shopper services that have been launched in Thailand.
A fake companies also called Personal Shopper Bangkok is managed by scammers that pretend to provide a Personal Shopping services that is never completed.
As we offer the most reliable Bangkok Personal Shopper service to our customers it is our professional duty to alert them to avoid fake companies that do not offer any real service.
We often receive customers emails complaining that they have been scammed by another Personal Shopper website which pretends to offer a very cheap service. The fee was cheap but as Thailand wages are low these customers have been convinced by this company, but after paying for the service, the products price and the shipping tcost to their country these customers have never received anything from the fake Personal Shopper company.
What often happens is that personal shoppers do not reply to any message and disappear after receiving the money or create stories as Nigerian scammers, but also they sometimes ask more payment before shipping the goods, pretending that rates are no higher or that shipping is more expensive than before.
When it happens customers have no way to complain and can only accept the situation and forget their good or pay more to maybe receive the products that they have paid.
It is unacceptable that some illicit Bangkok Personal Shopper services scam innocent customers who put too much trust in this company and customers should not fall in the trap. Nobody want to pay more for a personal shopper service when the total cost was already agreed by both parts and nobody want to waste time with a company that is not reliable.
The best way to avoid doing business with illegal Bangkok Personal Shopper companies is to ask to pay by bank transfer for the service fee and/or the goods, then you will have the name and the address of the person who manages the personal shopper company, which will allow you to get your money back later.
Bank transfers to Thailand just take few days and it is true that Thai banks always charge a fee, but this transfer fee cannot be over 500 Thai Baht and no bank transfers take weeks to arrive in a Thai bank account.
Also, no personal shopper service should ask you to pay for goods before having done the necessary sourcing. You should only pay first a cheap fee to send your personal shopper look for the items that you want to buy in Bangkok and then, after the company will have sent you the photos of the goods that they have found you can decide to send a second payment for the shipping and for the products.
We hope that our message will help you to avoid Bangkok Personal Shopper scammers and that you won’t be cheated by this fake company.
A good company is the one that replies quickly to your messages and that has good customers feedbacks as our Personal Shopper company.
If you have any question about fake Bangkok shopping services please contact and we will be happy to help you (no fee).